The Art of Facilitating Children's Self-Regulation
Three modules of five days each


Date: Modul I:
25 Oct 2023 – 29 Oct 2023
Modul II:
10 Jan 2024 – 14 Jan 2024
Modul III:
11 Apr 2024 – 15 Apr 2024
Time: 10am - 1 pm and
2.30pm - 5.30 pm
Teacher: Alé Duarte (BRA)
Language: English translated into German
Costs: CHF 3'975.00
Course location: Zentrum für Innere Ökologie
Freischützgasse 1
8004 Zürich

This is an in-person intensive

This course is organized and offered by Ale Duarte and his team to professionals working in the area of psychology, education, social work, health, and family systems.

Alé Duarte shows how with heart, humor, play, knowledge and natural intuition, the potential for the best in our children is (again) awakened

General Goal
Participants will be able to help children to re-establish a healthy self-regulatory function while interacting with them in both structured and unstructured activities, by attuning, co-regulating, and making key adjustments in the immediate environment of the child to foster their resilience.

Overarching learning outcome throughout the 15 days:

  1. Be able to facilitate children’s self-regulation processes
  2. Be able to structure sessions and interactions with children
  3. Be able to design activities for children’s self-regulation and growth
  4. Be able to integrate and use the principles of self-regulation in your practice

Course description:
KIDS IN TUNE is a methodology developed for professionals who work and care for children and their families. Our training is innovative in the adult-child relationship. It aims to equip therapists, pedagogues, teachers, social workers, health practitioners, and caretakers with skills and strategies to facilitate children's self-regulatory processes after stressful experiences. Resilient children will feel more confident and capable of deepening their experiences during tasks and activities essential to finding meaning and developing their future.

KIDS IN TUNE aims to help children develop a resilient nervous system and see life with more optimism and joy. We provide professionals with tools, frameworks, and strategies to strengthen children's nervous systems, attune with their intention, accompany them through their discovery, and design balanced activities that give them time, choice, and skills to integrate experiences and bring quality and meaning to what they want to do and manifest.

Core Competences

ATTUNE - Come along with the child step by step
How to sense, feel, and resonate with what the child experiences in the moment-to-moment
ASSESS - Get the big picture to orient during the session.
How to gain perspective and find effective strategies for your work with children
CREATE - Design environments that invite expression.
How to create activities that support the children in their emotional self-regulation
FACILITATE - Handling the flow and rhythm of the session.
How to help children to flow in their everyday tasks and activities with more ease
PROCESS - Support self-regulation from within
How to guide children through processes of growth and development

Course Overview
The entire course is composed of three segments:

  • Module One: The Five Phases Model for Self-regulation
  • Module Two: Connect with the Felt-sense applied to Children
  • Module Three:


Module 1:

The 5-Phase Model brings all the essential competencies to facilitate any interactive encounter with children. Whether it is a session, a class, or an informal dialogue. This coursewill reveal the most familiar element in which children express and manifest in the world around them. You will learn how children engage during their activities and analyze whether children arehaving progress during the sessions. We will highlight how children construct their ideas and intentions in constructive cycles, which will serve as a basis for them to find resilience when experiencing stress. This workshop is the arena in which children feel comfortable communicating, and usually, it is the place they want to meet you to play and share theirnon-verbal stories and narratives.

In the Five Phase module, you will have the following main learning points:

Learn to create and lead activities to meet children's self-regulatory needs. Have access to maps that will orient your moment-to-moment interventions during children's play, tasks, and activities. Find the optimum time for interventions to strengthen the connection and save your energy. A well-designed activity is safe, meaningful, relevant, and naturally speaks to children's needs and language.

Learning Outcomes for Module 1:
Participants will be able to:

  1. FACILITATE children´s sessions with more confidence and comfort.
  2. FACILITATE sessions and classes with more awareness of the energetic dynamics
  3. IDENTIFY predictable patterns of behavior present in every encounter
  4. CHOOSE optimum moments to intervene during children's interaction
  5. ANALYZE a sequence of behavior and transitions within a cycle
  6. DESIGN & ADAPT is an activity to facilitate using self-regulation principles

Module 2:

Connect with the Felt-sense Applied for Children - How to help children connect with their felt-sense to access their self-regulatory capacities & promote resilience and aliveness

In this segment, you will learn how to work with an Integrative and Reparative approach when children are experiencing stress.

In this module the principal skill we will deepen our learning is the Somatic-based Tracking; an essential skill that allows us to navigate and facilitate sessions considering children´s feltexperiences. When they are playing or in a situation of challenge, children are constantly  attending to what is happening outside or immersed in their inner experiences, which can taket hem to overlook what's happening at the moment, reducing their connections with their emotions and proactive capabilities to make important decisions. In this module, we will look at how to help children reconnect with their inner experiences and didactically help them engage with their feelings, actions, narratives, and meaning.

In the Felt-sense Applied for Children, you will have the following main learning points.:

Have access to strategies to precisely attune with their ability to perceive their own sensations and feelings to potentialize the self-regulatory processes. Learn to apply tools and techniques to support children's Nervous Systems when they feel over or underwhelmed, which can limit how they perceive, act, and think about the world around them.

Learning Outcomes for Module 2
Participants will be able to:

  1. Facilitate in moments of stress and Facilitate specifics moments of the sessions that require more attention
  2. Be able to apply the principles of Somatic-Based Tracking Skills to facilitate the flow of experience during your sessions
  3. Analise moments of subtle integration when they are immersed in their inner-and-outer experiences
  4. Facilitate sessions using drawings, stories, movement, and acting, to help them to feel, act, and find meaning.

Module 3:
Embodying the 5 Phases and Somatic-based Tracking into your practice with children

In this module, we will introduce the Insight Story. This segment allows professionals to attune with the child's Autonomic Nervous System playfully and yet with kindness and respect while telling their stories. This process works through children's narratives, images, and symbols and is developed to help them communicate their needs, stories, ideas, and other forms of expression. We will use the story cubes as the primary tool and apply the principles learned in the previous module, such as the Five Phases, Constructive Facilitation, and the Somatic based-Tracking skill.

Learn how to identify reoccurring patterns of emotions and behaviors as well as blockages that are preventing children from completing their tasks, fulfilling their intentions, creating meaning, and unlocking self-regulation in their Autonomic Nervous System

Learning Outcomes for Module 3:
Participants will be able to:

  1. FACILITATE interactive story sessions with children.
  2. FACILITATE moments of challenge in their stories
  3. IDENTIFY predictable circular patterns in short and long passages in the narratives
  4. CHOOSE optimum moments to intervene to access hidden meaning in their narratives
  5. PRACTICE with the story cubes to unlock resilience and promote flow into the child's system
  6. DESIGN & ADAPT supportive activities to make it even more playful and rich for them to explore.

Alé Duarte

Alé Duarte is a somatic educator who travels around the world offering training to professionals who work in the fields of psychology, education and body-oriented therapy. His specialty is experience in child trauma, and the inherent ability of a child’s body to recover from trauma impact, through highly tuned somatic consciousness within the therapeutic relation.As part of his professional …

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