Training structure
There are five training modules, some of which can be chosen in a free order or according to particular interests. If desired they lead to the acknowleged diploma degree "POLARITY therapist". The first two modules offer a solid foundation for a developing understanding of POLARITY.
Module I - Basic-Module
Fundamentals and principles of the POLARITY model
Basic Module I
This module has 66 hours and focuses on selected energy principles and maps. For these we refer mainly to Dr. Randolph Stone, the founder of the POLARITY therapy. As his life's work he built a health care system based on a synthesis of Yoga, Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Hermetics as well as Western health care systems (osteopathy, chiropractic and naturopathy). The course also incorporates the latest scientific research findings. Main topics are:
The energy cycle
- Yoga maps of the energy body
- The Caducäus or Hermes rod, the energy centres and the five elements
- The energy flow in the body and the development of blockages and so-called short circuits
- The three primary life rhythms and how we can influence them
- Energy zones and correspondences in the body
Skills in handling the energy cycle
- Reading the body and the energy
- Perceive and feel the energy body
- Touching and influencing the energy body
- Process work - the unfolding and revelation of the life story
Take POLARITY sessions with recognized POLARITY therapists for your experience and process. Give POLARITY sessions yourself in order to support your learning process. If you take notes in regard to these sessions, these protocols already count for the diploma requirements.Next dates
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Module II - Body and Energy
Energy circuits of the POLARITY model and their application
Module II: Body and Energy
Energy circuits of the POLARITY Model and their application
Module II has 181 hours in class and teaches the energy anatomy according to Dr. Stone as well as its practical application. It provides a valuable base for working with energy in everyday life and in the therapeutic field.
Prerequisite: Module I completedIn Module II, further precise maps of the energy circuits of the body are shown, based on traditional and new healing traditions as well as the corresponding scientific concepts. With the help of numerous live demonstrations and practical exercises the participants learn the necessary skills for the application of an energetically oriented therapy.
Central to these eight seminars are a series of patterns of the energy field that are used to balance the body energies. These geometric, subtle, electromagnetic patterns provide the organizing principle and the steward function for our genetic, biochemical and psychological programming. The core idea of the work is the principle of polarity. The polarity principle regulates the body in its survival, adaptation and development processes. It provides the infrastructure for a healthy and efficiently functioning human system, i.e. it builds the fields for the communication and the flow of energy and information in the body. In therapy it can be implemented in the form of bodywork, verbal exchange, mindfulness, nutritional advice and movement exercises (POLARITY Yoga).
The Thursday evenings of Module II are dedicated to POLARITY Yoga in order to anchor this aspect of the POLARITY model in the body through regularity.
Recommendation to all those who are aiming for certification (diploma degree):
Parrallel to the training module II take at least 20 individual POLARITY sessions for yourself and do at least 20 protocolls of sessions that you are giving as a practice to friends and family.
Study groups
Study groups meet between classes and usually take place without supervision from the school.Nächste Daten
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Modul III: Klinisches Lernen
Integration von Theorie und Praxis
Module III - Clinical Learning
Clinical learning, integration of theory and practice
Prerequisite for participation:
- Module II completed
- Completed or parallel participation in the course "Embryology and Birth Process"
- Basic Medical Training of anatomy / physiology / pathology completed
- AUTHENTIC COMMUNICATION - Introductory course (AK-Intro)
Module III has 154 hours in class and deals with the clinical aspect of the training, building on the material taught in modules I and II. In this series of seven seminars we work with the balance of the autonomic nervous system, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, and deal with problems of the joints, the spinal column and the musculoskeletal system in general. We work intensively with clients to develop the ability to use the body's energy systems to solve organ-related and/or psychological problems.
Please add on any missing hours of supervision, individual sessions and protocols required for the diploma (see "Diploma Course").
Next dates
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Module IV: Electives
Deepening at free choice
Elective Classes
with different participation requirements (see detailed flyers)
78 hours of the overall training hours are electives. You can choose from our wide range of POLARITY classes the ones that match your personal interests for in-depth knowledge, training requirements or therapeutic skills. In thsese hours included are the 21 hours of the class on "Embryology" with Michael Zangger and the 20 hours of the introductory class into Authentic Communiction (AK-Intro).
In principle, courses by the following teachers are accepted:
Jim Feil, Urs Honauer, Franziska Wagner, John Beaulieu, Mary Louise and Christopher Muller, Stephen Porges, Ray Castellino, Jaap van der Wal, Michael Zangger, Marty Morales, Phil Young
All classes which are accepted as electives can be found here:
Next dates
October 2024
19 – 20 October 2024
Synthesising Somatic, Formative and Energetic Approaches to Therapy and TraumaDr. Jim Feil (USA)CHF 500November 2024
9 – 10 November 2024
The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)Dr. Darrell Sanchez (USA)CHF 520January 2025
Dr. Jim Feil (USA)CHF 250March 2025
Dr. Jim Feil (USA)CHF 250May 2025
9 – 10 May 2025
The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)Dr. Darrell Sanchez (USA)CHF 520November 2025
1 – 2 November 2025
The Body in Tune (Basic Introduction to the Tuning Board)Dr. Darrell Sanchez (USA)CHF 520February 2026
October 2026
Module V: Anatomy / Physiology and Pathology Medical
A Discovery Tour
How does man function according to the current knowing of science? The human cosmos offers a multitude of surprises on this of discovery tour. They are characterized by the fascination of being alive - and that we can actually maintain a continuum of life, an inner balance that is constantly renewing itself.
Training in Medical Basics
The basic medical training consists of two parts with a total of 200 hours and is aimed at people who are oriented towards holistic methods, body therapists, yoga and movement teachers. Both trainings can also be attended separately
Medical Basics Training 1: Anatomy and Physiology (100 hours)
Medical Basics Training 2: Pathology and Naturopathy (100 hours)
Additional offers in form of special events see calendarAcknowledgement:
The Medical Basic Trainings 1 and 2 cover in their curriculum the subjects necessary for admission to the Erfahrungsmedizinischem Register (EMR) dated 1.1.2006. The examination Anatomy / Physiology / Pathology required by the EMR is offered as well.
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Diploma course
in order to obtain the final diploma
Diploma - Course
In order to receive the final diploma in ENERGY DYNAMICS (POLARITY THERAPY) and thus be considered a trained POLARITY therapist, you must meet the requirements for participation in the diploma seminar as well as take part in and pass the diploma examination.
Requirements Diploma Course:1. 100 treatment protocols submitted and accepted
2. 30 confirmed POLARITY sessions with professional therapists
3. 20 sessions in personal process work with recognized therapists
4. 10 additional sessions in body therapy (POLARITY or related forms)5. attendance and participation in all seminars - maximum time of absence during the whole training: 3 days (otherwise repetition of individual courses necessary)
6. 10 hours individual or 20 hours group supervision7. participation in the introductory course in AUTHENTIC COMMUNICATION
8. participation in the course Basic Medical Anatomy/Physiology and Pathology10. Passed examination in basic medical principles11. Diploma examination
:1. Written examination for general and detailed understanding of the POLARITY model2
Practical examination
: 1 hour session of giving with unknown client - under supervision of experts, assistants and fellow students3. Celebrate!The diploma will bear the date of delivery of the last required certificate of achievement. With this procedure we fulfil the conditions set by the health insurance registration authorities (EMR; ASCA, EGK, VISANA) for professional diplomas in the field of complementary therapies, to which POLARITY belongs
.training in ENERGY DYNAMICS is recognized by the Swiss Polarity Charta, the Polarity Association Switzerland (PoVS) and the Swiss Association for Natural Healing (SVNH) and leads to a diploma as a POLARITY therapist. The diploma, in conjunction with the necessary subsequent practical work, leads to acceptance into the professional registers of health insurance companies and their registration offices (Erfahrungsmedizinische Register EMR, ASCA) and into the list of therapists of other health insurance companies that do not belong there (e.g. EGK, Visana).
Complementary therapy - recognition
by the Federal Office for Professional Development and Technology (OPET)
InSwitzerland, anyone seeking the professional title of "Eidg. diplomierte Komplementär Therapeutin / Therapeut" (Swiss Certified Complementary Therapist) needs additional teaching units in ethics, psychology, professional development, communication and various practice modules in addition to the POLARITY diploma. An overview is available from our office.